Get Help

More than 60% of problem gamblers report wanting help, but only 25% actually seek assistance. Let’s change those numbers in Kansas.

Help For You

Getting Help is Your Best Bet.

With more gambling choices than ever, Kansans today are gambling in record numbers. Many players are able to stay within their limits, but some lose control. For them, what starts out as fun and exciting can lead to dangerous consequences. There are a number of different reasons people become problem gamblers, but a commonly shared consequence is desperation or loss of hope.

When hope is gone, the game is no longer about the thrill of winning, but instead about chasing the loss. Problem gamblers jeopardize everything important in their lives–including their family, friends, job, and finances. They may consider drastic measures like stealing, other criminal activity, or even worse–suicide.

Help is available. The state of Kansas provides treatment and other resources at no cost to the problem gambler, family members, and concerned others who reside in Kansas.

Problem Gambling Self-Assessment

Gamblers Anonymous® offers the following 20 questions to anyone who may have a gambling problem. These questions are provided to help the individual decide if he or she is a compulsive gambler and wants to stop gambling. Most compulsive gamblers will answer “yes” to at least seven of these questions.

1. Did you ever lose time from work or school due to gambling?
2. Has gambling ever made your home life unhappy?
3. Did gambling affect your reputation?
4. Have you ever felt remorse after gambling?
5. Did you ever gamble to get money with which to pay debts or otherwise solve financial difficulties?
6. Did gambling cause a decrease in your ambition or efficiency?
7. After losing, did you feel you must return as soon as possible and win back your losses?
8. After a win, did you have a strong urge to return and win more?
9. Did you often gamble until your last dollar was gone?
10. Did you ever borrow to finance your gambling?
11. Have you ever sold anything to finance gambling?
12. Were you reluctant to use “gambling money” for normal expenditures?
13. Did gambling make you careless of the welfare of yourself or your family?
14. Did you ever gamble longer than you had planned?
15. Have you ever gambled to escape worry, trouble, boredom, or loneliness?
16. Have you ever committed or considered committing an illegal act to finance gambling?
17. Did gambling cause you to have difficulty sleeping?
18. Do arguments, disappointments, or frustrations create within you an urge to gamble?
19. Did you ever have an urge to celebrate any good fortune by a few hours of good gambling?
20. Have you ever considered self-destruction or suicide as a result of your gambling?

La mayoria de los jugadores compulsivos responden de modo afirmativo a por lo menos siete de estas preguntas.

  1. ¿Ha faltado tiempo alguna vez al trabajo a causa de la afición a apostar?
  2.  ¿Ha causado infelicidad en su hogar al afición a apostar?
  3. ¿Afectó su reputación la afición a apostar?
  4. ¿Ha sentido alguna vez remordimiento después de apostar?
  5. ¿Ha apostado alguna vez para obtener dinero para pagar deudas o resolver problemas financieros?
  6. ¿Disminuyó su eficiencia y ambición a causa de la afición a apostar?
  7. ¿Después de perder, sintió que tenía que regresar tan pronto como fuera posible y ganar para recuperar sus pérdidas?
  8. ¿Después de ganar una vez, sintió una necesidad urgente de regresar y ganar más?
  9. ¿Apostaba a menudo hasta perder su último dólar?
  10. ¿Pidió prestado alguna vez para financiar la afición a apostar?
  11. ¿Ha vendido alguna vez algo para financiar la afición a apostar?
  12. ¿Se sintió renuente a usar “dinero obtenido por medio de apuestas” en gastos normales?
  13. ¿Le hizo la afición a apostar que descuidara su propio bienestar y el de su familia?
  14. ¿Apostó por un tiempo más extenso del que había planeado?
  15. ¿Ha apostado para escaparse de una preocupación o un problema?
  16. ¿Alguna vez ha cometido o consideró cometer un acto ilegal para financiar la afición a las apuestas?
  17. ¿Le ha causado la afición a las apuestas dificultades para dormir?
  18. ¿Le han creado las discusiones, desilusiones o frustaciones dentro de sí una necesidad urgente de apostar?
  19. ¿Ha sentido alguna vez una necesidad urgente de celebrar cualquier buena fortuna con un par de horas dedicadas a apostar?
  20. ¿Ha considerado alguna vez la autodestrucción a causa de su afición a apostar?

Voluntary Exclusion Program

In addition to counseling and treatment resources, the state of Kansas provides persons with gambling problems the option to exclude themselves from all Kansas state-owned casinos.

Help For Family and Friends

Problem gamblers aren’t the only ones who suffer as a result of this disorder. People close to the gambler often feel pain, heartache, and anguish as well. Asking for help is an important first step.

At first, it’s easy to make excuses for an individual’s gambling behavior–many people feel compelled to loan money in an effort to help. However, the bills soon pile up and seemingly insurmountable debts accumulate. Panic and anxiety set in. Family and friends often feel resentful and isolated, and co-occurring domestic violence is not uncommon.

Fortunately, there are ways to make changes in your life. Through the support of counseling, a support group like Gam-Anon®, and other resources, you can learn to:

  • Not blame yourself for the problem, and instead take responsibility for your own life
  • Distance yourself from the problem behavior
  • Restore normal life routines
  • Confront and cease enabling behaviors
  • Reinforce appropriate actions for recovery

If you are affected by someone’s gambling, please call 1-800-GAMBLER or 1-800-522-4700 for help.

Recognizing Warning Signs

Recognizing the signs of problem gambling is the first step toward recovery.

Gam-Anon® has compiled a list of 20 indicators to look for if you suspect someone has a problem. If you answer “yes” to at least six, please call 1-800-GAMBLER or 1-800-522-4700.

  1. Do you find yourself constantly bothered by bill collectors?
  2. Is the person in question often away from home for long, unexplained periods of time?
  3. Does this person ever lose time from work due to gambling?
  4. Do you feel that this person cannot be trusted with money?
  5. Does the person in question faithfully promise that he or she will stop gambling; beg and plead for another chance, yet gamble again and again?
  6. Does this person ever gamble longer than he or she intended to, until the last dollar is gone?
  7. Does this person immediately return to gambling to try to recover losses, or to win more?
  8. Does this person ever gamble to get money to solve financial difficulties or have unrealistic expectations that gambling will bring the family material comfort and wealth?
  9. Does this person borrow money to gamble with or to pay gambling debts?
  10. Has this person’s reputation ever suffered due to gambling, even to the extent of committing illegal acts to finance gambling?
  11. Have you come to the point of hiding money needed for living expenses, knowing that you and the rest of the family may go without food and clothing if you do not?
  12. Do you search this person’s clothing or go through his or her wallet when the opportunity presents itself, or otherwise check on their activities?
  13. Does the person in question hide their money?
  14. Have you noticed a personality change in the gambler as their gambling has progressed?
  15. Does the person in question consistently lie to cover up or deny their gambling activities?
  16. Does this person use guilt induction as a method of shifting responsibilities for their gambling upon you?
  17. Do you attempt to anticipate this person’s moods, or try to control their life?
  18. Does this person ever suffer from remorse or depression due to gambling, sometimes to the point of self-destruction?
  19. Has the gambling ever brought you to the point of threatening to break up the family unit?
  20. Do you feel that your life together is a nightmare?

Si Ud. respondió “si” a séis o más de estas preguntas, es probable que esté viviendo con un jugador compulsivo.


  1. ¿ Se encuentra Ud. constantemente molestado por recaudores?
  2. ¿ La persona en cuestión se aleja de casa por periodos de tiempo largos e inexplicables?
  3. ¿ Alguna vez esta persona ha perdido tiempo de trabajo debido al apostar?
  4. ¿ Siente Ud. que esta persona no es digna de confianza con el dinero?
  5. ¿ Promete fielmente esta persona que dejará de jugar, ruega y suplica por otra oportunidad pero continua jugando una y otra vez?
  6. ¿ Ha jugado esta persona más tiempo de lo planeado hasta perder su último dólar?
  7. ¿ Alguna vez ha jugado esta persona para ganar el dinero necesario para resolver dificultades financieras, o mantiene la esperanza que el apostar le traerá bienestar y consuelo a la familia?
  8. ¿ Regresa esta persona inmediatamente a apostar para tratar de recuperar pérdidas o ganar más?
  9. ¿ Pide dinero prestado esta persona para apostar o pagar deudas relacionadas con el juego?
  10. ¿ Se ha visto afectada la buena reputación de esta persona debido al apostar, aún al punto de cometer actos ilegales para financiar sus apuestas?
  11. ¿ Ha llegado Ud. al punto de esconder dinero para gastos necesarios reconociendo que Ud. y el resto de su familia podrían quedarse sin ropa o comida si no lo hace?
  12. ¿ Registra Ud. la ropa o cartera de esta persona cuando la oportunidad se le presenta, o por otra parte supervisa sus actividades?
  13. ¿ Esconde Ud. el dinero de esta persona?
  14. ¿ Ha notado Ud. un cambio significativo en esta persona y en el progreso de su participación en el juego?
  15. ¿ Miente constantemente esta persona para cubrir o negar sus actividades en el juego?
  16. ¿ Usa el juego inductivo esta persona como método de evitar tomar responsabilidad por sus apuestas?
  17. ¿ Intenta Ud. anticipar el estado de ánimo de esta persona con el intento de controlar su vida?
  18. ¿ Sufre esta persona de remordimiento o depresión debido al juego, a veces hasta el punto de querer suicidarse?
  19. ¿Ha llegado Ud. alguna vez a amenazar con romper la unidad familiar?
  20. ¿ Siente Ud. que su vida juntos es una pesadilla?